Contact Astral ARK
Founder Shadow created Astral Imperium in June 2014.
ARK, Star Citizen
Astral Imperium
Server Admin Norlinri joined the team in 2016.
ARK, Star Citizen
English, French
Astral Imperium
Rule Breaking
We take rule breaking very seriously and do our best to ensure any issues are dealt with swiftly. If you are wishing to report a player breaking the rules, please include as much information as possible when you fill out the contact form below, including screenshots if you have them.
We will endeavour to help with any game bug or glitch you encounter, but will not replace or refund any lost items or creatures caused by it. We have no more control over these problems than you do.
Server Problem
If you wish to report a server problem, please include what you were doing when it crashed and the time that it went down. We will not replace or refund any creatures or items caused by a crash.
We welcome any feedback from our players and while we may not be able to act on everything, we will certainly take everything under advisement. Please include as much detail as possible to ensure we fully understand your feedback.
Contact form
This contact form should only be used if you do not have Discord or were banned from our servers.
If you have Discord, please join our server and follow the steps in #help to open a ticket. Ensure you include as much detail as possible so we can help you more effectively. Please understand we do not operate 24/7 and that support is provided on a volunteer basis.