Ark Shop Commands
If you are a console player, there is a high chance that you cannot access the in-game shop via the UI. However, you can still accrue points by linking your account via the info channel on Discord, and spend them in the shop by using chat commands instead.
You can also buy points in our online store. You will need to provide your EOS ID, which you can access once you’ve linked your account, via the same panel by clicking on the “Your EOS ID” button. This will print it for you, and you can copy paste it during the checkout process.
Simply type the command of your choice below in chat in-game, and you will receive your purchase in your inventory directly. For kits, you have to use the “Buy Command” first, then use the “Redeem Command” to add it to your inventory.
Each time you receive points in-game, a message appears in the chat box to show your current total. You can also check your current points balance via the info panel on Discord once you link your account.
When a new map drops, the shop remains closed for some time. The commands below will only work on maps where the shop is open, except for the free starter kit which is available immediately.
Sellable Items
Some items can be sold in the shop for points.
Name | Points received | Command |
1x Mysterious Snow Globe | 10 | /sell mystglobes 1 |
10x Revealed Snow Globes | 50 | /sell revglobes 1 |
Name | Contents | Price | Buy Command | Redeem Command |
Free starter kit | Wood Floor x4, Wood Wall x8, Wood Door x1, Wood Ceiling x4, Hide Armour Set x1, Torch x1, Stone Pick x1, Stone Hatchet x1, Bow x1, Stone Arrow x20, Spear x5, Waterskin x1, Flare Gun x1, Sleeping Bag x3, Small Storage Box x1, Trike (Level 50) | FREE | /kit 0freestarterkit | |
Cooking pack | Preserving Bin x4, Industrial Cooker x1, Industrial Grill x1, Beer Barrel x2, Fridge x2, Generator x1, Sparkpowder x100, Gasoline x100 | 600 | /buykit 1cookingkit 1 | /kit 1cookingkit |
Farming pack | Greenhouse Wall x8, Greenhouse Door x1, Greenhouse Ceiling x4, Stimberry Seed x5, Narcoberry Seed x5, Mejoberry Seed x5, Tintoberry Seed x5, Azulberry Seed x5, Amarberry Seed x5, Verdberry Seed x5, Magenberry Seed x5, Cianberry Seed x5, Longrass Seed x5, Rockarrot Seed x5, Savoroot Seed x5, Citronal Seed x5, Compost Bin x2, Small Crop Plot x5, Medium Crop Plot x5, Large Crop Plot x5, Metal Water Tank x2 | 200 | /buykit 1farmingkit 1 | /kit 1farmingkit |
Hatching pack | Feeding Trough x4, Fridge x2, Air Conditioner x12, Generator x1, Gasoline x100 | 400 | /buykit 1hatchingkit 1 | /kit 1hatchingkit |
Mining pack | Metal Pick x1, Metal Hatchet x1, Smithy x2, Fabricator x1, Industrial Forge x1, Chemistry Bench x1, Generator x1, Gasoline x100 | 600 | /buykit 1miningkit 1 | /kit 1miningkit |
Taming pack | Wood Fence Foundation x10, Wood Railing x30, Wood Gateframe x1, Wood Gate x1, Wood Spike Wall x20, Ghillie Armour Set x1, Crossbow x1, Tranq Arrow x100, Longneck Rifle x1, Tranq Dart x100, Shocking Tranq Dart x100, Harpoon x1, Tranq Spear Bolt x50, Bola x20, Large Bear Trap x10, Magnifying Glass x1, Narcotic x300 | 200 | /buykit 1tamingkit 1 | /kit 1tamingkit |
Name | Price | Command | Can contain | Comments |
Random Chibi [Common] | 50 | /buy lootboxchibi1 1 | 1x Chibi of Common rarity | |
Random Chibi [Uncommon] | 100 | /buy lootboxchibi2 1 | 1x Chibi of Uncommon rarity | |
Random Chibi [Rare > Legendary] | 150 | /buy lootboxchibi3 1 | 1x Chibi of Rare to Legendary rarity | |
Treasure Map | 100 | /buy lootboxtreasuremap 1 | 1x Treasure Map of varying quality | Bob's Tall Tales DLC required |
Tributes and trophies can only be purchased on maps where they can be collected.
Name | Type | Price | Command | Comments |
Artifact of the Brute | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactbrute 1 | |
Artifact of the Clever | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactclever 1 | |
Artifact of the Crag | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactcrag 1 | |
Artifact of the Cunning | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactcunning 1 | |
Artifact of the Depths | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactdepths 1 | |
Artifact of the Destroyer | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactdestroyer 1 | |
Artifact of the Devious | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactdevious 1 | |
Artifact of the Devourer | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactdevourer 1 | |
Artifact of the Gatekeeper | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactgatekeeper 1 | |
Artifact of the Hunter | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifacthunter 1 | |
Artifact of the Immune | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactimmune 1 | |
Artifact of the Massive | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactmassive 1 | |
Artifact of the Pack | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactpack 1 | |
Artifact of the Shadows | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactshadows 1 | |
Artifact of the Skylord | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactskylord 1 | |
Artifact of the Stalker | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactstalker 1 | |
Artifact of the Strong | Artifact | 100 | /buy itemartifactstrong 1 | |
Aberration Resources (200 Green Gems, 150 Blue Gems, 100 Red Gems, 200 Element Ore, 500 Congealed Gas Balls, 10 Plant Species Z Seeds) | Bundle | 250 | /buy bundleresab 1 | |
Scorched Earth Resources (250 Cactus Sap, 500 Clay, 250 Raw Salt, 500 Sand, 500 Silk, 500 Sulfur) | Bundle | 250 | /buy bundleresse 1 | |
Broth of Enlightenment | Consumables | 50 | /buy itemzconsbroth 1 | |
Energy Brew | Consumables | 5 | /buy itemzconsenergybrew 1 | |
Golden Hesperornis Egg | Consumables | 125 | /buy itemzconsgoldenegg 1 | |
Kibbles (10 Basic and Simple, 15 Regular and Superior, 20 Exceptional and Extraordinary) | Consumables | 400 | /buy itemzconskibbles 1 | |
Lesser Antidote | Consumables | 10 | /buy itemzconslessantidote 1 | |
Medical Brew | Consumables | 5 | /buy itemzconsmedbrew 1 | |
Mindwipe Tonic | Consumables | 50 | /buy itemzconsmindwipe 1 | |
Nameless Venom | Consumables | 25 | /buy itemzconsnamelessvenom 1 | Aberration Exclusive |
Sweet Vegetable Cake | Consumables | 25 | /buy itemzconsveggiecake 1 | |
Wyvern Milk | Consumables | 100 | /buy itemzconswyvmilk 1 | |
Black Pearls x50 | Misc | 125 | /buy itemzmiscbp50 1 | |
Cryopod | Misc | 25 | /buy itemzmisccryo 1 | |
Element | Misc | 30 | /buy itemzmiscelement 1 | |
Element x50 | Misc | 1000 | /buy itemzmiscelement50 1 | |
Gasoline x50 | Misc | 100 | /buy itemzmiscgasoline50 1 | |
Plant Species X Seed | Misc | 5 | /buy itemzmiscplantxseed 1 | |
Plant Species Y Seed | Misc | 10 | /buy itemzmiscplantyseed 1 | |
Plant Species Z Seed | Misc | 15 | /buy itemzmiscplantzseed 1 | |
Cryofridge | Structure | 100 | /buy itemzstructcryofridge 1 | |
Tent | Structure | 5 | /buy itemzstructtent 1 | |
Allosaurus Brain | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztriballobrain 1 | |
Alpha Basilisk Fang | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemtribalphabasiliskfang 1 | Aberration Exclusive |
Alpha Carno Arm | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemztribalphacarnoarm 1 | |
Alpha Karkinos Claw | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemtribalphakarkinosclaw 1 | Aberration Exclusive |
Alpha Leedsichthys Blubber | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemztribalphaleedsblubber 1 | |
Alpha Megalodon Fin | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemztribalphamegafin 1 | |
Alpha Mosasaur Tooth | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemztribalphamosatooth 1 | |
Alpha Raptor Claw | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemztribalpharaptorclaw 1 | |
Alpha Reaper King Barb | Tribute | 250 | /buy itemtribalphareaperbarb 1 | Aberration Exclusive |
Alpha Tusoteuthis Eye | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemztribalphatusoeye 1 | |
Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth | Tribute | 100 | /buy itemztribalphatyrextooth 1 | |
Argentavis Talon | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribargytalon 1 | |
Basilisk Scale | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemtribbasiliskscale 1 | Aberration Exclusive |
Basilosaurus Blubber | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribbasiloblubber 1 | |
Fire Talon | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribtalonf 1 | Scorched Earth Exclusive |
Giganotosaurus Heart | Tribute | 200 | /buy itemztribgigaheart 1 | |
Lightning Talon | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribtalonl 1 | Scorched Earth Exclusive |
Megalania Toxin | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribmegatoxin 1 | |
Megalodon Tooth | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribmegatooth 1 | |
Poison Talon | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribtalonp 1 | Scorched Earth Exclusive |
Reaper Pheromone Gland | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemtribreapergland 1 | Aberration Exclusive |
Rock Drake Feather | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemtribdrakefeather 1 | Aberration Exclusive |
Sarcosuchus Skin | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribsarcoskin 1 | |
Sauropod Vertebra | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribsaurovert 1 | |
Spinosaurus Sail | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribspinosail 1 | |
Therizino Claws | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribthericlaws 1 | |
Thylacoleo Hook-Claw | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribthylaclaw 1 | |
Titanoboa Venom | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribtitanoboavenom 1 | |
Tuso Tentacle | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribtusotentacle 1 | |
Tyrannosaurus Arm | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribtyrexarm 1 | |
Yutyrannus Lungs | Tribute | 25 | /buy itemztribyutylungs 1 | |
Alpha Deathworm Trophy | Trophy | 100 | /buy itemztrophyalphadeathworm 1 | Scorched Earth Exclusive |
Alpha Wyvern Trophy | Trophy | 100 | /buy itemztrophyalphawyvern 1 | Scorched Earth Exclusive |
Dinos can only be purchased on maps where they can be transferred to or naturally spawn.
Name | Level | Price | Command | Comments |
Aberrant Achatina | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabachatina 1 | |
Aberrant Anglerfish | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabangler 1 | |
Aberrant Anglerfish (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabanglerf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Anglerfish (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabanglerm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Ankylosaurus | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabanky 1 | |
Aberrant Ankylosaurus (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabankyf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Ankylosaurus (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabankym 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Araneo | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabaraneo 1 | |
Aberrant Araneo (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabaraneof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Araneo (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabaraneom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Arthropleura | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabarthro 1 | |
Aberrant Arthropleura (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabarthrof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Arthropleura (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabarthrom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Baryonyx | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabbaryonyx 1 | |
Aberrant Baryonyx (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabbaryonyxf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Baryonyx (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabbaryonyxm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Beelzebufo | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabbeelzebufo 1 | |
Aberrant Beelzebufo (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabbeelzebufof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Beelzebufo (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabbeelzebufom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Carbonemys | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabcarbonemys 1 | |
Aberrant Carbonemys (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabcarbonemysf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Carbonemys (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabcarbonemysm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Carnotaurus | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabcarno 1 | |
Aberrant Carnotaurus (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabcarnof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Carnotaurus (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabcarnom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Dimetrodon | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabdimetrodon 1 | |
Aberrant Dimetrodon (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabdimetrodonf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Dimetrodon (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabdimetrodonm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Dimorphodon | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabdimorphodon 1 | |
Aberrant Dimorphodon (F) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabdimorphodonf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Dimorphodon (M) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabdimorphodonm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Diplocaulus | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabdiplocaulus 1 | |
Aberrant Diplocaulus (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabdiplocaulusf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Diplocaulus (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabdiplocaulusm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Diplodocus | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabdiplodocus 1 | |
Aberrant Diplodocus (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabdiplodocusf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Diplodocus (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabdiplodocusm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Direbear | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabdirebear 1 | |
Aberrant Direbear (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabdirebearf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Direbear (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabdirebearm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Dodo | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabdodo 1 | |
Aberrant Dodo (F) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabdodof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Dodo (M) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabdodom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Doedicurus | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabdoedicurus 1 | |
Aberrant Doedicurus (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabdoedicurusf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Doedicurus (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabdoedicurusm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Dung Beetle | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabdungbeetle 1 | |
Aberrant Electrophorus | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabeel 1 | |
Aberrant Electrophorus (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabeelf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Electrophorus (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabeelm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Equus | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabequus 1 | |
Aberrant Equus (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabequusf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Equus (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabequusm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Fasolasuchus | 215 | 700 | /buy zdinoabfasola 1 | |
Aberrant Fasolasuchus (F) | 215 | 700 | /buy zdinoabfasolaf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Fasolasuchus (M) | 215 | 700 | /buy zdinoabfasolam 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Gigantopithecus | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabgigantopithecus 1 | |
Aberrant Gigantopithecus (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabgigantopithecusf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Gigantopithecus (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabgigantopithecusm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Gigantoraptor | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabgigantoraptor 1 | |
Aberrant Gigantoraptor (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabgigantoraptorf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Gigantoraptor (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabgigantoraptorm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Iguanodon | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabiguanodon 1 | |
Aberrant Iguanodon (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabiguanodonf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Iguanodon (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabiguanodonm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Lystrosaurus | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoablystro 1 | |
Aberrant Lystrosaurus (F) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoablystrof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Lystrosaurus (M) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoablystrom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Manta | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabmanta 1 | |
Aberrant Manta (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabmantaf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Manta (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabmantam 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Megalania | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinoabmegalania 1 | |
Aberrant Megalania (F) | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinoabmegalaniaf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Megalania (M) | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinoabmegalaniam 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Megalosaurus | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabmegalosaurus 1 | |
Aberrant Megalosaurus (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabmegalosaurusf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Megalosaurus (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabmegalosaurusm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Moschops | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabmoschops 1 | |
Aberrant Moschops (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabmoschopsf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Moschops (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabmoschopsm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Otter | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabotter 1 | |
Aberrant Otter (F) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabotterf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Otter (M) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabotterm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Oviraptor | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoaboviraptor 1 | |
Aberrant Oviraptor (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoaboviraptorf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Oviraptor (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoaboviraptorm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Ovis | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabovis 1 | |
Aberrant Ovis (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabovisf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Ovis (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabovism 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Paraceratherium | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabparacer 1 | |
Aberrant Paraceratherium (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabparacerf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Paraceratherium (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabparacerm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Parasaur | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabparasaur 1 | |
Aberrant Parasaur (F) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabparasaurf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Parasaur (M) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinoabparasaurm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Pulmonoscorpius | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabpulmonoscorp 1 | |
Aberrant Pulmonoscorpius (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabpulmonoscorpf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Pulmonoscorpius (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabpulmonoscorpm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Purlovia | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabpurlovia 1 | |
Aberrant Purlovia (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabpurloviaf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Purlovia (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabpurloviam 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Raptor | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabraptor 1 | |
Aberrant Raptor (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabraptorf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Raptor (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabraptorm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Sarcosuchus | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabsarco 1 | |
Aberrant Sarcosuchus (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabsarcof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Sarcosuchus (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoabsarcom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Spinosaurus | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinoabspino 1 | |
Aberrant Spinosaurus (F) | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinoabspinof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Spinosaurus (M) | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinoabspinom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Stegosaurus | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabstego 1 | |
Aberrant Stegosaurus (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabstegof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Stegosaurus (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoabstegom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Titanoboa | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabtitanoboa 1 | |
Aberrant Titanoboa (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabtitanoboaf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Titanoboa (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabtitanoboam 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Triceratops | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabtrike 1 | |
Aberrant Triceratops (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabtrikef 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Aberrant Triceratops (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoabtrikem 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Achatina | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoachatina 1 | |
Allosaurus | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoallo 1 | |
Allosaurus (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoallof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Allosaurus (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoallom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Anglerfish | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoangler 1 | |
Anglerfish (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoanglerf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Anglerfish (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoanglerm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Ankylosaurus | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoanky 1 | |
Ankylosaurus (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoankyf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Ankylosaurus (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoankym 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Araneo | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoaraneo 1 | |
Araneo (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoaraneof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Araneo (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoaraneom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Archaeopteryx | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoarchaeo 1 | |
Archaeopteryx (F) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoarchaeof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Archaeopteryx (M) | 215 | 200 | /buy zdinoarchaeom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Argentavis | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoargentavis 1 | |
Argentavis (F) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoargentavisf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Argentavis (M) | 215 | 400 | /buy zdinoargentavism 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Arthropleura | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoarthro 1 | |
Arthropleura (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoarthrof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Arthropleura (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinoarthrom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Baryonyx | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinobaryonyx 1 | |
Baryonyx (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinobaryonyxf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Baryonyx (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinobaryonyxm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Basilisk | 215 | 600 | /buy zdinobasilisk 1 | |
Basilisk (F) | 215 | 600 | /buy zdinobasiliskf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Basilisk (M) | 215 | 600 | /buy zdinobasiliskm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Basilosaurus | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinobasilo 1 | |
Basilosaurus (F) | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinobasilof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Basilosaurus (M) | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinobasilom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Beelzebufo | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinobeelzebufo 1 | |
Beelzebufo (F) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinobeelzebufof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Beelzebufo (M) | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinobeelzebufom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Brontosaurus | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinobronto 1 | |
Brontosaurus (F) | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinobrontof 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Brontosaurus (M) | 215 | 500 | /buy zdinobrontom 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Bulbdog | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinobulbdog 1 | |
Bulbdog (F) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinobulbdogf 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Bulbdog (M) | 215 | 100 | /buy zdinobulbdogm 1 | Exclusive to Mastercraft supporters and up |
Carbonemys | 215 | 300 | /buy zdinocarbonemys 1 | |
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